What’s new in AR?

Just a year back, AR was not that much developed and had limited access for the masses. But the technology has seen some significant development in the past year, opening new opportunities and ways for people to experience the power of AR.


Introduction of Web AR is a major development. Before the introduction of web AR, we had to download and use different apps to experience and access AR content. But with the help of web AR we can now access these contents through a mobile web browser.

It is a major development in the technology and will greatly help online retailers to market their products like never before. Now customers can be allowed to have the experience of trying the products before purchasing. It gives the opportunity for brands for streamlining product preview process.

Excellent for retailing and product visualization

Body Tracking

Through body tracking, the body and hand movements of users can be used to overlay digital content. This can add up a whole new experience for the audience, as now body movements will give them the chance to interact and manipulate the content. This will help in developing creative engagements between the audience and AR.

Excellent for physical activity and entertainment Apps

Facebook and AR

It’s not a big surprise to see giant social media platforms like Facebook to provide platforms for AR content. Facebook’s Spark AR provides a platform to experience the power of AR. It can help in creating interactive adverts and AR filters. This feature can be used in Instagram as well.

Apart from its use for entertainment purposes, Social AR provides a powerful tool for marketing campaigns as it is a shareable platform. You can also use the feature on your existing timelines which gives social AR an additional advantage. This will help you get wide exposure for your existing content.

Excellent for product visualizing and wearable products

Facial Analysis

If you own a latest iOS device that is equipped with TrueDepth technology, you will be able to capture a lot of 3D information and can get analysis on facial features. This will help customers to fancy themselves with different eye and head products. This will give an opportunity for retailers of these products to recommend different styles and sizes to the customers.

Excellent for entertainment purposes and large scale uses

Occlusion and SLAM technology

Occlusion and SLAM technology have greatly enhanced the experience for AR content. Apple’s AR KIT 3, gives an opportunity to place 3D content behind or in front of real world scenery and objects. It also helps us to additionally add green screen effects.

With the help of occlusion, the SLAM technology has greatly enhanced. SLAM technology helps in recognizing and identifying different surfaces to automatically place AR content without scanning images.

Are you looking for the use of AR for your products and services? Contact us to get all the latest information on the use of AR. We will be more than pleased to discuss and share ideas with you.